Tiblilastback Admin replied

295 weeks ago

Hindi Amor Xtremo Free Download

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a5c7b9f00b Two brothers from Mexico City travel to to Las Vegas to catch the U.S. Motocross Open.
To be honest, this movie is a Fast and Furious Wannabe, but with motorcycles instead of flashy cars. I'd just (barely) recommend it to motocross lovers since it might not be appealing for any other public. The Mexican movie lovers may be a bit disappointed since the director focused more on the "action" and let the story aside. Ergo, it's got some really amazing shots (though, generally, the photography is lousy) but the story ain't very surprising, its predictability can make it way too boring at times. It's what in Mexico we'd call a "refrito"; the same plot again and again. And, yes, the same actors again and again. Some of them can't actually be called real actors, suchIrán Castillo who should have kept working on TV where her acting wouldn't screw up so badly the others' efforts of making the movie look at least a bit appealing. However, if you have some time to kill and lots of patience, watching it might be a decent option.

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last edited 217 weeks ago by Tiblilastback
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